Saturday, September 18, 2021

What is sulfonic acid and use for?


What is sulfonic acid and use for?  

The sulfonic acids are among the most important of the organosulfur compounds; the free acids are widely used as catalysts in organic syntheses, while the salts and other derivatives form the basis of the manufacture of detergents, water-soluble dyes and catalysts, sulfonamide pharmaceuticals, and ion-exchange resins.

An organosulfur compound, sulfonic acid can be thought of as sulfuric acid with a hydroxyl group replaced by an organic substituent, meaning you could be forgiven for mixing them up due to their similar names and chemical structures. Powerful and polarizing, sulfonic acid can most often be found as a crystalline solid or a high-boiling liquid that is thick, viscous, colorless, and non-oxidizing—perfect as a catalyst in organic reactions. With this in mind, let’s take a look at what sulfonic acid is used for.


Detergent and Surfactants

Detergents and similar products like soap use sulfonic acid to break down the surface tension between water and grease, dirt, and other grime for a more effective clean. It’s a powerful cleanser that can remove stains from clothing and other fabrics, yet it is also one of the cheapest surfactants in the washing industry. This is what sulfonic acid is used for most commonly.

To manufacture detergents

Sulfonic Acid (LABSA) is made to manufacture detergents such as washing powder, detergent powder, oil soap and cleaning powder. Sulfonic Acid (LABSA) is commonly used in household cleaning products. These products are the sold in retail stores to the consumers.




Sulfonic acid can even be used in papermaking. With it, lignin is removed from the lignocellulose by treating wood chips with solutions of sulfite and bisulfite ions. The acid can break the bonds between the cellulose and lignin components to make the lignin into lignosulfonates that are soluble and can be separated from cellulose fibers.

There are various forms of Sulfonic Acid (LABSA) and the usage of the chemical depends on its form. Manufacturers use Sulfonic Acid (LABSA) worldwide:

In water-soluble dyes and catalyst

Sulfonic Acid (LABSA) can be used in a wide range of water-soluble products, the dyes can be as liquid detergents, soaps, washing-up liquid and household cleaners ranging in strong acids and alkaline on the PH scale.


In sulfonamide pharmaceuticals

Sulfonic Acid (LABSA) can be used to create the drug Sulphonamide, also known as Sulfa drugs. The drug can act as an antibacterial medicine and has the purpose of inhibiting the growth and multiplication of bacteria without killing the bacteria. Sulphonamides can also be used to treat allergies and cough, as well as antifungal and antimalarial functions.

Which Countries Manufacture Sulfonic Acid (LABSA) In Bulk?


The main producers of Sulfonic Acid (LABSA) are China, India, and South Africa. Consumption of Sulfonic Acid (LABSA) has increased dramatically across the world, especially in developing countries.

What is the difference between Sulphuric acid and sulphonic acid?

Sulfonic acid can be mistaken for sulfuric acid, as only one group of hydroxyl is replaced by an organic substituent. But this is actually produced through sulfonation with the use of an agent called sulfur trioxide. Sulfonic acid is a very strong acid and may produce strong corrosive effects.

What does sulphonic acid do in liquid soap?

One of the functions of texapon in liquid soap production is to replace LABSA, a phosphate that can be reduced or saved. Well, as you can see, the texapon plays a big role in liquid soap production. The main function of this chemical is that it is a foaming booster agent.

Is sulfonic acid good for skin?

Sulfonic acid will keep your skin clear and smooth, helping you avoid common skin ailments like acne, dryness, and itchiness.

Is sulphonic acid harmful to the skin?

The following acute (short-term) health effects may occur immediately or shortly after exposure to Alkane Sulfonic Acid: * Contact can irritate and burn the skin and eyes. * Breathing Alkane Sulfonic Acid can irritate the nose, throat and lungs causing coughing, wheezing and/or shortness of breath.

Is sulfonic acid a strong acid?


Sulfonic acids are similar to carboxylic acids and have the general structure of RSO3H. Sulfonic acids are very strong acids (pKa ~ -7). The most common sulfonic acid is p-toluenesulfonic acid. The conjugate bases of sulfonic acids are called sulfonate anions and are resonance stabilized.

Why is sulphuric acid stronger than sulfuric acid?

Sulphuric acid is stronger than sulphurous acid since the sulphur atom in sulphuric acid has more co-ordinated oxygen atoms.

What is the most foaming agent in liquid soap?

Foam or lather is created when foaming agents in soaps, detergents and shampoos mix with air and water. The most common foaming agents used in personal care are chemicals sodium laureth sulfate (SLES), sodium lauryl sulfate (sometimes referred to as sodium dodecyl sulfate or SLS) and coco-glucoside.

What is the thickening agent in liquid soap?

Making soap requires several stages and one of them is to thicken the soap. Here's how to do it. Xanthan gum is a plant-based thickening agent while guar gum is a thickener in cosmetic formulations. Add ½ teaspoon of xanthan gum to ¼ cup of room temperature distilled water.

What is the function of glycerin in liquid soap?

Glycerin is a humectant, meaning it attracts moisture. When applied to the skin through cosmetics, glycerin can cause a barrier on the skin that locks in existing moisture from washing, as well as drawing moisture from the atmosphere.

What is Phenylbenzimidazole sulfonic acid used for?

In cosmetics and personal care products, these ingredients function as sunscreen agents and as ultraviolet light absorbers. Phenylbenzimidazole Sulfonic Acid is water-soluble and is often used in sunscreen lotions or moisturizers so they will feel lighter on the skin and result in a non-greasy finish.

What is sulfonic acid in skincare?


This synthetically derived acid activates natural enzymes in skin to help break the bonds that bind dead skin cells to the surface for even exfoliation.

What neutralizes sulfuric acid on skin?

Skin Exposure:

Flush skin contaminated with sulfuric acid with soap and lukewarm water for at least 30 minutes. Do not scrub or rub skin. If strong concentrations of gas or solution penetrate clothing, remove clothing and flush the skin with water. Seek medical attention immediately.

What happens if you get Sulphuric acid on your skin what kind of effect is this?

Sulfuric acid is a very strong chemical that is corrosive. Corrosive means it can cause severe burns and tissue damage when it comes into contact with the skin or mucous membranes.

What is sulphonic acid formula?

Sulfanilic acid

PubChem CID



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Chemical Safety

Laboratory Chemical Safety Summary (LCSS) Datasheet

Molecular Formula



What is the pH of sulfonic acid?

AMPS (2-acrylamido-2-methylpropane sulfonic acid) is a widely used monomer in hydrogels


  1. What are the names of chemicals used to produce sulphonic acid locally

  2. क्या तरल साबुन और अपमार्जकों के निर्माण में उपयोग किए जाने वाले ओलीन तेल को सल्फोनेट किया जा सकता है?
